CeADAR’s European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Programme

Empowering Enterprises and Public Sector Organisations to use AI. 

Our mission is to support Enterprises and Public Sector Organisations in Ireland to understand and use data analytics and AI to empower their businesses.

Engaging with CeADAR as your local European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) for AI will allow your organisation to access funded specialist training and upskilling, scope proof of concept solutions and develop and test prototypes, understand how your organisation can benefit from analytics and AI and conduct project feasibility work designed to minimise the barriers to technology adoption.

CeADAR’s EDIH for AI offers digital maturity assessments which signpost relevant supports for your organisation as it begins its AI transition.

All CeADAR EDIH Programme Services are 100% discounted.

CeADAR’s EDIH Programme Services

Start your AI Digital transformation.

Digital Maturity Assessment

Identifying where technology can support your AI transition.

Skills and Training

Empower your team with our online training in AI.

Test Before Invest

Guiding you on your AI digital roadmap.

Support to Find Investment

Supporting you to find suitable funding and prepare for investment opportunities.

Ecosystem Building

Join our events and build your AI network in Ireland and across Europe.

AI Accelerator Programme

Be part of our ecosystem of successful AI entrepreneurs.

Upcoming EDIH Events


Contact our team to find out how your Enterprise or PSO can benefit from CeADARS’s EDIH for AI Programme