Skills and Training

To empower your team and build your in-house capabilities, we offer online training.


AI Training for Executives €300 p/p

Charge to Enterprise/PSO: €0*

* Additional Information

The service is 100% discounted.

If you are an enterprise (under 3,000 staff) or a Public Sector Organisation, this service is funded by the European Commission.

What is involved?

The following skills and training course is currently available:


Training Description
AI Training for Executives Comprehensive training program to equip executives with the essential knowledge and skills to drive the AI agenda in their business or organisation. View Course PDF: EDIH AI Training For Executives

What your organisation receives.

Training Outcome
AI Training for Executives Up to 2 Hours online course.


AI Training for Executives: €300 p/p

Charge to Enterprise/PSO: €0*

* Additional Information

The service is 100% discounted.

If you are an enterprise (under 3,000 staff) or a Public Sector Organisation, this service is funded by the European Commission.

What is involved?

We offer skills and training in three categories, AI for Executives, AI Essentials for Everyone and AI Ambassadors.

Training Description
AI Training for Executives

Comprehensive training program to equip executives with the essential knowledge and skills to drive the AI agenda in their business or organisation. View Course PDF: EDIH AI Training For Executives

What your organisation receives

Training Outcome
AI Training for Executives Up to 2 Hours online course.

Contact Us to Enrol for Training

CeADAR’s EDIH Programme Services

Take a look at our other available services.

Digital Maturity Assessment

Identifying where technology can support your AI transition.

Test Before Invest

Guiding you on your AI digital roadmap.

Support to Find Investment

Supporting you to find suitable funding and prepare for investment opportunities.

Ecosystem Building

Join our events and build your AI network in Ireland and across Europe.

AI Accelerator Programme

Be part of our ecosystem of successful AI entrepreneurs.