Sustainable AI Technical Discussion Panel

September 26th 11am IST 

In a world where technology is evolving at a breakneck speed, the need for sustainability in AI has become a vital topic of discussion. This panel discussion, titled “Developing a Sustainability Mindset for AI,” will bring together key stakeholders, AI professionals, educators, and members of the CeADAR network to explore how we can embed sustainability into the development and application of AI. 

 Why You Should Attend:

Whether you’re a professional in AI or machine learning eager to apply sustainable practices, an educator aiming to foster responsible AI values in future generations, or someone passionate about the future of technology, this event is for you. Our conversation will explore the ways AI can drive sustainable and responsible innovation in the tech world.

What You’ll Gain: This event will provide an invaluable opportunity to engage directly with AI leaders who are at the forefront of the sustainability movement. You’ll gain diverse perspectives on how to integrate sustainability into AI strategies, offering practical insights for professionals and educators alike. Additionally, this is your chance to contribute your voice to shaping the ethical and environmental future of AI, helping to drive meaningful change in the industry.


Don’t miss this chance to be part of a pivotal discussion that will shape the future trajectory of AI. Register now and join us in exploring how AI can lead the way in responsible, sustainable innovation.