CeADAR & Stanford University – T1 Diabetes Project

Feb 13, 2024 | News

CeADAR Ireland are delighted to be partnering with Stanford University and OpenAPS Researcher Dana Lewis on the development of a personalised decision support tool using net insulin on board as part of a wider research effort to improve the ability of those with T1 Diabetes(T1D) to exercise safely.

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, has committed over $12 million to projects under the T1D Exercise Initiative (T1-DEXI), and this marks a significant milestone in the journey towards better health outcomes for those living with T1D. Led by Dr. Arsalan Shahid, CeADAR Ireland is proud to be an integral part of this transformative movement.

Exercise plays a crucial role in the management of T1D, yet the challenge of maintaining blood sugar levels during physical activity can deter many. The initiatives supported by Helmsley’s generous funding aim to tackle this issue head-on, developing new education platforms, diabetes device algorithms, and innovative insulins that promise a safer, more manageable exercise experience for those with T1D.

The project will also develop a prototype decision support tool to inform pre-exercise decision-making for people with T1D. The prototype will include net insulin on board education and simulations to understand the impact of different types of exercise on glucose outcomes in combination with user behaviours.

To find out more, click here.